Curbing Administrative Challenges of Schools in Nigeria with the Effective SchoolShell Management Software
- admin.schoolshell
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It is pathetic to still find school administrators struggle with all sort of administrative problem on a daily basis, ranging from providing quality education for students, meeting parents’ never-ending needs, handling the accounting end, good school governance, and the much-needed support and efficient job performance from the already overpowered teachers.
Meeting up with the set goals/vision of the school can sometimes prove abortive, as to bridging the educational gap between the school, parents, staff, and students. There is a fast-growing need to digitalize and upgrade the administrative operations of schools to improve its productivity and in turn help improve the educational standards of schools in Nigeria. The workload and manual processes for school administrators has been the greatest challenges, and they are overwhelmed in handling the difficulties of providing the best education for its students, harnessing the potentials of its teachers for maximum productivity, keeping and updating of school records, and engaging parents in effective communication.
SchoolShell is a management software for schools in Nigeria. We as an IT Firm derive pleasure in taking the load off the already weighed down shoulders of school administrators. SchoolShell management software helps to solve the various challenges school administrations are faced with:
• The cumbersome workload of keeping school records: keeping and updating of school records consumes the time and energy of school admins; everything being recorded manually. Fetching necessary information from the recorded paperwork requires more time and energy too. SchoolShell software keeps and updates school information as the term/session progresses, with users (teachers, parents, students) having access to the necessary information they need at any point in time.
• Difficulty in managing the accounting end of the school: School administrators are faced with the difficulty of managing the school finances. This has to do with the, payment and collection of school fees, payment of staff salary, and other school expenses. SchoolShell software features the management of the school account, automates payroll, provides receipts of payment, and this is done online.
• Poor Performance of staff: another challenge school administrators have to deal with is the poor job performance of staff. Teachers also have a large workload when it comes to carrying out their teaching duties. They have to prepare lesson note, marking of assessment and exam, giving progressive report of students, marking and keeping records of attendance and the lots. With SchoolShell teachers will have more time to research and improve in their job performance. Uploading of lesson notes and assignment, preparing report sheets will be done with the software, thereby saving time and energy.
• Poor communication between the school, staff and parents: The progress and growth of a school depends on the effective communication of stakeholders in the school. Unfortunately, most schools don’t have the platform for staff and parents to communicate. Parents always need information about their wards’ performance and keep up with the activities of the school. The SchoolShell software provides the much-needed communication system to solve this issue.
• Difficulty in registration of students: the beginning of a new academic year comes with the responsibility of registering new students for school administrators and staffs. The large paperwork involved is tiresome. Our system handles everything that encompasses the registration of students. The admission process, necessary fees/dues, assigning of unique ID to new students and the lots.
• The Challenge of monitoring students effectively: School Administrators and staff are faced with the challenge of monitoring students. Once a student is present in the school, it is the responsibility of the school to monitor the students’ activities. Necessary information on the students’ attendance, leave, extra-curricular activities are to be noted. Schools lack the necessary monitoring tools to carry out such task. Our platform is designed such that parents are informed about their wards’ activities in school.
To move the Nigerian School to Its long due destination of standards, Schools need to adopt the modernized and digitalized way of carrying out administrative tasks. Long gone are the days, when the office of a school administrator is stuffed with lots of paper work and his cabinet filled with records of the school. This calls for the implement of a school management software. Some of the other features of SchoolShell:
Digital Textbooks- Students have access to digital textbooks and other relevant educational materials to aid learning
Video Lectures- Students could watch video lectures on different courses and subjects. They could answer questions related with the subjects and then interact with other students and teachers on course.
Biometric Attendance- Staff and students will use a biometric system for their attendance record.
Transcript- Generate all the transcripts for a student with ease.
Mobile App- For parents to effectively nurture and follow up on their ward at real time
Time Table- Generate all the time tables for all the classes with ease.
Hostel Management- Manage your hostels with ease
Behavioural System- Teachers can update the behaviour of the students from time to time.
Educational Games- For elementary schools, parents-students have access to educational games.
Vehicle Management- Manage school vehicles with ease.
Creating new tools for schools to solve administrative problems.
Our Core Mission
To bridge the educational gap between the school, parents and students